Local W246

LL W246 has agreements with the following employers:
IFA Nursery, Weyerhaeuser-Snow Peak Woods, Weyerhaeuser-Springfield Woods, Weyerhaeuser-Lebanon Santiam Lumber, Weyerhaeuser-Cottage Grover Lumber, Weyerhaeuser-Goshen Oregon Trucking, Sunrise Dental-Eugene
LL W246-Local Meetings
Local W246 meets the on the following days at the following locations:
Weyerhaeuser Cascade Logging & Santiam Lumber meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 2:00, 4:00 & 5:00 PM at the Sweet Home Senior Center located at 880 18th Ave Sweet Home OR 97386
Weyerhaeuser Woods, Springfield Tops, Cottage Grove Lumber, Santiam Lumber, South Valley Trucking & Sunrise Dental meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 1:00, 3:30 & 6:00 PM at the Local Lodge Office located at 1116 South "A" Street Springfield OR 97477
LL W246-Executive Board Meeting
Local W246 Executive Board meets at the Local Office located at 1116 South "A" Street Springfield OR 97477 on the following dates and times:
4th Saturday in January at 9:00 AM
4th Saturday in April at 9:00 AM
4th Saturday in July at 9:00 AM
4th Saturday in October at 9:00 AM
LL W246-Executive Board Officers
President: Kevin Lane
Vice President:Darby Hartgrave & Jason Hines
Sec./Treasurer: Vickie Beck
Rec./Secretary: Shereen Lumabao
Trustee: Michael Green and Keith Leader
LL W246-Contact Information & Location
LL W246 is located at 1116 South "A" Street Springfield, OR 97477
Phone: (541) 746-2541 Toll Free: (800) 426-3299
Fax: (541)747-3341
Email: localw246@gmail.com
Hour: Call to check availability