Sisters & Brothers
Today, we celebrate the 134th anniversary of our great union. In 1888, 19 Machinists met secretly in a locomotive pit in Atlanta declaring themselves “The Order of United Machinist and Mechanical Engineers.” A year later, 40 local lodges were established, and in 1889, the first Machinists Union Convention was held at the state capital in Atlanta, with 34 locals represented. Our 40th Grand Lodge Convention will be represented by more than 800 locals this October. Our founders would be proud of how our union has grown, both in size and diversity, as Machinists Union members now work in over 200 industries across North America. As we reflect on our past accomplishments today, we also continue our preparations for the future. The core principles which built the IAM—justice on the job and service to the community—remain true to this day. We will continue to hold corporations and politicians accountable, so working families can have a voice on the job, safer working conditions, and improved livelihoods.
In Solidarity,
Robert Martinez Jr. IAM International President